A society where everyone has access to power benefits everyone.
We have much more in common than we often acknowledge.
The current system functions exactly as it was designed, with deliberate actions
having built the framework of racism. Therefore, dismantling it requires equally
intentional actions, starting with decolonizing the minds of Black people.
"Tackling racism is more effective when done with people you know."
Course Details:
Duration:** 5 weeks
Frequency:** 2 hours per week
- **Cost:** $444
I offer a specialized class tailored for your group, whether it's your workplace, social circle, family, or friends. Alternatively, you can join a class with others to broaden your understanding and community.
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Join us by taking the first steps toward a more inclusive and equitable society.
Break centuries of limiting agreements you have made with yourself, others,
and life itself.​
Challenge your beliefs, and go to the outer limits of your comprehension.
​Recover your authentic self.​
WEAR YOUR CROWN!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Break Free
from Limiting Beliefs
Embrace Your Authentic Self